- Children’s group «Chorists» of the Children’s Music and Choral School (Belgorod, Russia), artistic director – Svetlana Klimenko
- Boys choir «ECHO» of the Children’s Creativity House of Krasnoselsky District (St. Petersburg, Russia), artistic director – Nikolai Arshinov
- Vocal and Choral Ensemble «Ensolei» of the Children’s Art School No. 4 (Izhevsk, Russia), artistic director – Natalia Gorbunova
- Children’s Choir «Rainbow» Music School-Lyceum of the Magnitogorsk State Conservatory named after M.I. Glinka (Magnitogorsk, Russia), artistic director – Natalia Silagina
- Choir «Nevskaya Aquarelle» of the Krasnoselsky District Children’s Art School (St. Petersburg, Russia), artistic director – Natalia Timofeeva
- Female Choir of the College of Arts of the Komi Republic (Syktyvkar, Russia), artistic director – Olga Rocheva
- Senior Special Сhoir «Harmony» of the Children’s Music School No. 1 (Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russia), artistic director – Eugenia Gurova
- Choir «Lira» of the Right-Bank House of Children’s Creativity (St. Petersburg, Russia), artistic director – Elena Rabinovich
- Concert Сhoir «LYCEUM» of the St. Petersburg Music Lyceum (St. Petersburg, Russia), artistic director – Anastasia Shuvalova
- Female Сhoir of the 3rd Year of the St. Petersburg College of Music and Pedagogy (St. Petersburg, Russia), artistic director – Anna Barsova
- Children’s Choir «AQUARELLE» of Children’s Music School No. 24 (St. Petersburg, Russia), artistic director – Ekaterina Zhavoronkova
- Junior Choir of the «Youth of Russia» Choir School (Ramenskoye, Russia), artistic director – Marina Ayrapetova
- Choir of Boys and Youths «CANTUS» of Children’s Music School named after J. Haydn (Moscow, Russia), artistic director – Alexandra Samokhvalova
- Children’s and Youth Choir «Sofia» of the Palace of Children (Youth) Creativity of the Vsevolozhsk District (Vsevolozhsk, Russia), artistic director – Marina Gutsu
- Concert Choir of the School and Studio of the St. Petersburg State Conservatory named after N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov (St. Petersburg, Russia), artistic director – Maria Romanova
- Children’s Сhoir «DIES» of Secondary school No. 191 with in-depth study of foreign languages (St. Petersburg, Russia), artistic director – Tatyana Salnikova
- Junior Choir «KAPEL’KI» of the Song and Dance Ensemble named after I.O. Dunaevsky (St. Petersburg, Russia), artistic director – Tatyana Kholodilo
- Chamber Female Choir «RIMSKY-KORSAKOV» (St. Petersburg, Russia), аrtistic director – Sergey Ekimov, сonductor –Sabina Zhalmukhamedova